Sunday 1 January 2023

Blue guardians: The Necklace

The Blue Guardians: The Necklace

Snow coated the pasturelands over a lengthy span. Marie awoke. It was on 16th December. She jumped up and down like a kangaroo. Elena her younger sister was roused by the racket Marie was creating. 

" Can you quit hoping it's 6 o'clock and mum will punish you for awakening me from my slumber if you don't stop!" said Elena furiously.       

Marie discontinued leaping.

"What did she understand, it is my birthday, not hers," Marie whined in her mind " She would likely do the same if it was her birthday," 

As soon as the clock struck precisely 7.0 0 am Marie shot up out of the mattress like a bullet. As she walked slowly out of her room to inspect what they'll get her for her eleventh birthday she saw what astonished her. All her birthday presents and even the meals for her birthday party and cake were been hurled out into the bin. She felt a sudden longing to leap but she knew her mum would be seething through her teeth that I was spying on her.

" Why did I bother to purchase when it's a no refund as well which is so annoying," scowled mum.

Marie dashed like the wind upstairs with small minuscule droplets of tears developing in her eyes though she attempted to thwart the outpour.

She quickly dabbed her tears away prepared for the day trying to beam to make herself optimistic but haunting memory kept coming back to her and getting into the actual mood of joy.

When Aunty came it looked like she felt the longing to scream happy birthday but chose not to. Marie strode through the hallway like a spoiled queen. When Elena caught a glimpse of her she just rolled her eyes, chortled a bit and gave Marie a sour glare. 

" Marie's acting bizarre," Elena thought.

" What's up with Elena," Marie thought.

Marie shrugged it off but Elena observed her which caused Marie to feel uneasy. The morning was awkwardly hushed. Everyone did as they like they were instructed. 

We took our baths silently, brushed silently, got our uniform silently even ate sio one uttered a single remark. Something bizarre that none of them understood. Even Dan kept quiet. 

" I actually sort of like this quietness because Elena and Dan aren't bickering for once but it is kind of monotonous and the tension is fairly tight," Marie thought indecisively about whether she should say something.

As they walked to school the tension grew tighter as everyone was sharing queer looks. As they walked in the brick, with a vintage style,school Marie noticedthe rusty metal that had engraved in it 'St Jeanne D 'arc school for the gifted' As Marie got into class she noticed the cheerful holiday ornamentations but she wasn't in the Christmas spirit. She envied how everyone was toasting Leah for her birthday but no one applauded her. Only Sammy her first pal at school came to say happy birthday to her. As everyone settled down and began the early morning work her partner next to her kept bashing the table and making noises that she was fed up with him and covered her ears until it was the register. She glowered. Inside her head, she felt glum but was determined not to disclose it. But Sammy her best friend always knew when she was having the blues.

"What's wrong Marie?" she asked politely but consistently. 
" Nothing," replied Marie grumpily.
" Then why are you so miserable?" questioned Sammy
"  I'll tell you on the playground," responded Marie.

When we finished the register she called Leah to come to the front.
" As we all know it's Leah's birthday" declared Miss Moss.
The morning went by slowly and bitterly. 
At break time, Sammy and I talked.
"Why were you so miserable it is your birthday after all," she said while reassuring me.
"It's like everyone forgot my birthday but you, "I said glumly.
"You've got me on your side at least," Sammy said compassionately.
"Yeah all I need is you," I said slightly more gleefully.
We went into a compassionate embrace. Then we noticed Leah, Miriam, Oliver, Amelia and Abigail approaching. 
"What's going on," said Leah perplexed.
"Well long story birthday is somehow forgotten and lost," I said dramatically.
"What!" Miriam exclaimed surprised.
"Wait look at your necklace," Abigail exclaimed.
"What?" I said puzzled.
" The heart part of your necklace is glowing blue and somehow unclasped and now it's gliding off," exclaimed Oliver.
We all chased after the necklace which lead to the thorny bushes. At the heart of the bush was the necklace and in front of it was a door draped with vines and poison ivy.
"I and Oliver will stay here to make sure the teachers don't discover it you need to come in 30 mins that when playtime ends," Sammy said like the one in charge.
"Sure whatever," said Oliver casually.
The rest of us unlocked the door with my heart-shaped necklace that seemed to be the key for it and a second later plummeted down the kaleidoscopic vortex. As they struck the earth they heard someone and Marie seized her necklace and hid behind some bushes. As they hid they saw a towering man who looked shabby with his black hair with greying streaks. He was talking to a shorter, balding man.
" Sir Sarnothr sir what do you want me to ddoo for you my Lord Sarnothr," the shorter of the two said.
My necklace glowed an azure blue and in my hand appeared a cupcake.
"What in the world," I exclaimed.
"It's simple, whenever your necklace is blue it will transform into whatever you desire," Amelia said as if she had known that for eternity.
It was true though she was so hungry she could eat an entire whale and still not be hungry.
She started stuffing her face with the cupcake with both strawberry and vanilla icing with multicolored sprinkles and strawberries around it. It had the right amount of sugar in the icing and the base of the it was vanilla and it was so soft and buttery. If she could have one again she would but she needed to focus on the mission.
They continued eavesdropping on the conversation.
"I've been scheming this for 360 years for this to occur so don't keep me waiting bring it to the Azarsus and if it isn't there by a week you'll never see the life of day again,"said Sanrothr with a dark but majestic look.
"Why does my digital watch say we've been here for two weeks when we just reached here like 2 minutes ago," said Miriam
" A simple explanation is that time here is quicker 1 day is 2 minutes there so he means 15.27671 or rounded to the nearest year 15 years," Amelia clarified.
"Thanks, Amelia," I said dryly.
"I feel extremely nauseous," said Abigail feebly. 
Before Amelia could utter a word Leah spoke. 
"It's probably jet lag," smugly looking at Amelia who grimaced.
Marie interrupted surprising everyone as she was, not the kind to know about science or how to treat it she was more of a maths, english and simple biology. She only got into the number one prestigious school in the small town because of her maths and english.
"It will wear off soon my dad used to have it all the time but he got used to it so in 3 hours here or 3 minutes it will wear off. I'll get you a bed."
As Marie tried to concentrate my mind on a mattress we all expected for a bed to appear but nothing did.
Miriam now feeling a wee bit better suggested"Maybe be more carefree rather than try to force the power out. "
Marie tried what Abigail had suggested and alas it worked.
"Well let's try to find a way back let me to something quickly first,"suggested Marie
"Marie visualised my friends each having their own magic necklace and it appeared on them.
As we tried to slip away Leah tripped on a stone sending her hurling on the floor. Miriam tried to lift her but stepped on a twig. Immediately Sarnothr turned in our direction. His minion ran away. There was nothing else to do then battle him possibly to the death.

He lazily started flicking his ring at them but we dodged them all. But then he sent a stunning curse to them and one by one got stunned by him until Marie and Leah were the only one left. Suddenly Mary started ascending until she went 1 mile like as if something was trapped in her. Then she had light surrounding her majestically. Rather frightened for obvious reasons he tried to run for it but the light overwhelmed his body and he melted to the ground.Marie had turned to her normal form after that.
"What in the world just happened"exclaimed Abigail.
"I-I don't know but  whatever it was so cool"
"Even I have no information about it" Amelia finally admitted
"Your not gonna know everything in the world Amelia" Leah said after a long time of wanting to say that.
 After 10 hours of searching(10 mins in our time) they finally found Azarsus base and penetrated his base. My birthday was solidified somehow trapped in a sealed container with red glitter to open it we needed a passcode but we just hacked with my exceptional hacking skills. Then we opened the container. I gladly handled it. The second one was my birthday wish in blue glitter. Marie took one about being like Tilly Pages and voyaging into texts like a book wanderer. Amelia picked to be inside Animal Crossing New Horizons and Harry Potter Books.  is to journey in video games. Leah took one about being the fastest runner. Miriam took about being tall. 
We also went to the city where we went to the Mayor of the town he recognized me and simply said"Everything you need to know is in the letter" 
Then he handed Marie the letter.
It said                             

 "Dear Marie,

If you are reading this you are now 11 years old. My heart-shaped necklace(if your parents didn't dispose it) is magical.

That necklace is a special one as you are actually magical through your father. But as you are only half you only achieve your magic through and object. I knew your parents wouldn't tell you this as they wanted you to have a normal life but I knew the necklace would always lead you to this place you are royalty through your father and have the highest degree of magic you will not know you as my parents never introduced us. I am in a better place as I am where no one can hurt me. I've watched over you with my magic since you were young. 

   From your loving aunt Susannah

"That's so cool I wish I was you" Leah exclaimed a bit of envy in her voice.
"I know"Marie said.
The necklaces started glowing again as they opened the great portal as we ascended up to earth. We trapped the wish in an enchanted sack. When we landed time was fixed but a few seconds of life diverted back to regular.
 "What was there?" Oliver and Sammy questioned. 
"Oh we'll explain later,"Marie said with said with a grin.

Monday 9 May 2022

Blue Guardians:Nightmare

 I've never had a weekend like it! The sleepover was awesome. It was my first sleepover with my buddies Leah, Mike, Miriam, Amelia, Oliver and Sammy. It was so fun! First, we had a pillow fight. Secondly, we pranked called our parents. Then we told each other comical jokes and riddles. By then Sammy fell asleep. Then we had two hours of reading time with the books I fetched. We also tried to see who could read the most pages. It was an intense challenge between me and Oliver but I triumphed because I managed to complete my book but he still had 15 pages to read.  The last thing we did is we told each other terrifying tales. Amelia's stories were the scariest but none of us had nightmares about them. We decided to have a competition to see who could stay awake. 

" I'll prevail over all of you," I stated confidently.

"In your dreams, Marie," declared Mike competitively. 

" No need to get so competitive guys because we all know I'm going to win," exclaimed Amelia

"Let's just get on with it said, "groaned Oliver

Oliver slept after 20 minutes but everyone else was still going firm. Miriam started snoozing off but rousing up 3 minutes after 40 minutes of doing that consistently until she slept as well. Leah fell asleep  The sole individuals left were me, Amelia and Mike. 2 hours passed by and still no sign of drowsiness. Until we found out something. Amelia cheated turns out she snuck in some clothes and loaded them with paper and positioned them in her extra sleeping bag. And we found Amelia fast asleep. She still came third place though because she was awake 3 minutes ago when I heard her voice about going to win this contest. Mike fell asleep because he wanted to so I bested them again though my win was a very fortunate one. It was 5:59 as I gradually drifted to shuteye. When my alarm began ringing I just snoozed it before anyone could rouse up and went back to nap not knowing that it was time...

When we woke up on a Sunday we found out we forgot it.

"It's not a significant deal we will get there when it unlocks the following week," Sammy exclaimed.

Leah still felt apprehensive.

"I'm not sure about this," she said anxiously 

" Don't worry everything will be all right," I said reassuringly

" Yea, It's not like their world will cease to exist," Mike said adding on to what I just said.

When we awakened at 6:00 am on Tuesday and entered the portal. What we saw horrified us. In the sky, the gorgeous tinted azure blue was substituted with a fossil grey.

" Oh no," I slowly.

The leader of the land dashed to us. 

" Look what you've done," he said furiously

" Now the land is barren," the leader cried out.

" I can't believe the leader of the necklace to a bunch of immature kids," he said letting out all his rage.

" What can we do to aid the land," Miriam asked

" All you can do is go to Illumnina and obtain the star of creation but the only problem is that it's burning and the necklace is for when the ancestor desire you to operate it not when you desire to operate it," he explained


"Let's proceed," Leah cried" Do you still have the Marauders map you brought from Harry Potter".

"Yeah," Amelia responded as she got it out.

" I solemnly swear I'm up to no good," she chanted getting the wand she got from Ollivander's wand shop.

Suddenly the blank piece of parchment turned into a map of Illuminiaune( I know it's supposed to show Hogwarts but me, Maria and Amelia went into Hogwart and asked Hermione how to make the map shows wherever we want it to be and helped us),

" One more thing you should know," the Leader cried out" The king is very superior and only allows those who can finish his obstacle course to have it and it's almost impossible," he explained.

"Pssh it'll be straightforward," Miriam said with a smug look on his face.

As we trekked up the mountain Leah fainted with hot weather so we had to leave her behind. We got to the land of Illuminia at last. We went in front of the king bowed and curtsied.

" We are here oh king as we need the star of creation to bring Aliviana alive again," Mike said poshly.

" Very well you must complete my obstacle course," the king bellowed loudly across the inner chamber.

When we proceeded to the obstacle course we had to sprint across a 5-metre room in 50 seconds unless deadly poisoned spikes would kill us. Amelia wasn't swift enough.

I gulped. "Don't stress this will be a cakewalk," he said confidently.

The next ones were normal rock and foam.

Mike said proudly" Nothing to worry abouttttttt," as he fell into the abyss.

I and Miriam managed to make it across.

The next one was to see who could reach the top in 10 minutes. I arrived easily because I'm very towering. Maria got there but accidentally fell off. I tried to get a clasp of her hand but it slipped as I was significantly sweaty and I witnessed her collapse into what was now a void in the floor.

I proceeded into the 100 button compartment cautiously. I randomly pushed a button that brought hot water at 982 celsius that burned to a crisp. When I saw the hot water over my head I bring out my walky-talky. I quickly contacted my siblings on it  and stated

" Look in my safe type 1086 and you'll discover necklaces then after that ring Sammy and Oliver so they can explain to you,".

Meanwhile back at my house. 

" That was a bizarre message from Marie," Elena said aloud.


When they scrutinised my safe they found the gold necklace with the silver heart. They called Sammy and Oliver on the walkie-talky. They explained what had occurred as I already explained what happened to us. They all lingered for the portal to unlock and when it opened like Sammy and Oliver stated the necklace's heart part turned sapphire blue. As they trudged up the mountain the blue necklace delivered them armour to use on the obstacle course. Sammy fainted at the sight of Leah not twitching a slight bit so she thought she was dead. 

Meanwhile, with me, I saw where people who didn't manage to finish the obstacle course. I thought I was done for when the hot water was about to pour on her  There were hundreds even thousands. I quickly peeked around the penitentiary-like room skimming for my companions. I encountered my friends.

Meanwhile, Oliver and my two siblings met the king and they went through the introduction with the king. They proceeded quickly to the obstacle course and concluded the ones we couldn't do. Then they came to the hammer. 

" Go leap on the hammer immediately I'll keep it preoccupied," Oliver said courageously

He quickly fell to the ground lifeless.

" Grab my hand Dan quick and let's bounce onto the hammer and off the other side so we can get the star of creation," Elena enunciated valiantly.

As he vaulted onto the other side they raced towards the star of creation. Meanwhile, with Oliver, he noticed he wasn't dead and was in a slammer-like room. With Elena and Dan, they touched the star of creation in union and everything was restored and everyone was well again and everyone was liberated from the prison-like room. As they unlocked a portal to Delonvon I suddenly announced:

" Well done you finished the mission,"

The magic of the star of creation unfurled around Delonvon. 

I also stated " Elena and Dan are officially Blue Guardian juniors,"

Then we teleported back home.

Friday 19 November 2021

My Poem

The poem is the poem I wrote for a competition from 'This is me'.

M erry, lively and Smiley personality 
A mbitiousness, silently flying sucessfully

R adiant smile that crosses my face

Y outhful spirit

O bliging and optimistic 

D iligent mind

E ager, enthusiastic, exuberant, ecstatic, euphoric and earnest

R apid life

A dventurous 

N atural

T errific ideas the spark from my head

I maginative brilliance 

These are all the characteristics of me!

Sunday 24 October 2021


We went to Heathrow airport. Below is Heathrow airport.  Then we did security checks.     We booked an airline called United. 

Which we went on. We went to Washington DC.                We were the last person on the aeroplane, so we were about to miss our flight. We went on the shuttle bus and went to where dad’s car was in doubletree car parking.   Dad then drove us to the hotel we were staying in.  We stayed there for one night.  Then we went to Virginia.           



 On the first night of one, we went to Virginia in my dad's place. We just slept that night because we were tired.  Then that after that we went to explore my dad's place and then we want to explore where my dad works.     We went racing until Friday.     We also went to Walmart every week until Sunday. We went to a playground near Liberty elementary, middle and high school.   On Monday, 




 we went to Maryland. My dad drove for four hours.  Since we were bored, we were playing on our tablets. We especially liked playing truth or dare in the car which was on my tablet.   My dad was calling my aunts and our cousins for the way. And then we found them next to us in the parking spot. The hotel we were in was called Hilton Garden Inn.  We went into my aunt's room so my dad could check in. Because my cousins already checked in. and we were and there was a door between us so we could go in or out.  After that we slept in the morning, we went to a water park. we went to the pool.  And we found my other uncles and my aunts with my cousins.   We found it in the pool and went on the rides. After we finished going on the rides. The uncle and aunt we met in the pool they went. We went with the other cousins.  After that the next day we didn’t go anywhere we just did some work, and our aunt and uncle came to visit for a bit. Thursday, we went to Washington DC and see the White House.  we went to George Washington memorials.   a museum honouring the Jews who died in Washington DC in World War II because of Adolf Hitler. And we went to the Abraham Lincoln memorial.  We went to the world war I and II memorial.  We also saw Joe Biden’s helicopter, his cars and the sniper in case you don't know what a sniper is someone that is trying to seek the enemy of the country so sometimes against the monarch they are trained to shoot if they don't shoot them, it’s bad for their career. On Friday we went to the park we went to two parts we play we played on the obstacles, hide and seek, tag obstacle course, normal tag and among us.




We played among us with two other people and then when we went, we went to another park when we went to the other park, we were surprised to see the same people in that park they wanted to play among us. But we didn't want to play among us anymore, so we started playing. We really like the obstacles and the park, and we climbed up onto the top of the rope it was really hard, and we did it without our shoes and we also went on this big swinging thing. After that on Saturday I cousins and aunt left and then on Saturday and Sunday where we just stayed inside the place.  Then on Friday we both went travelling they went to New Jersey, and they were going to Washington DC in another hotel. later so we went fast and then and then on Saturday they left for New Jersey where their home is. Then went the next day. We went to the airport so we could go back home, and we were pretty we were all pretty early and we had really much fun and enjoyed our holiday.  Then after that, our mom picked us up from the airport and drove us home. 


The End

Blue guardians: The Necklace

The Blue Guardians: The Necklace Snow coated the pasturelands over a lengthy span. Marie awoke. It was on 16th December. She jumped up and d...