Friday 19 November 2021

My Poem

The poem is the poem I wrote for a competition from 'This is me'.

M erry, lively and Smiley personality 
A mbitiousness, silently flying sucessfully

R adiant smile that crosses my face

Y outhful spirit

O bliging and optimistic 

D iligent mind

E ager, enthusiastic, exuberant, ecstatic, euphoric and earnest

R apid life

A dventurous 

N atural

T errific ideas the spark from my head

I maginative brilliance 

These are all the characteristics of me!

Blue guardians: The Necklace

The Blue Guardians: The Necklace Snow coated the pasturelands over a lengthy span. Marie awoke. It was on 16th December. She jumped up and d...